Dear friends,

MARTINI FF shows aggregation of lipids in ethanol which is not realistic, 
so I am trying to develop CG-force filed for a system of DPPC in Ethanol 
solvent (all-atom simulation as a reference carried out with CHARMM36 at 
P=1bar, T=330K). DPPC is mapped to a CG similar to MARTINI and it has 12 
beads which are 4 types. Ethanol is mapped to a single sphere. So, I am 
trying to optimize FF for all combination between lipid beads and also 
between lipid ad ethanol. The all-atom simulation contained 5000 ethanol 
and 50 DPPC and all RDF saturated to 1. The IBI does not converge and CG 
simulation crashes in a few steps and the new RDFs deviate  from the target 
ones. Also, the pressure is very high in CG simulation in the IBI method. I 
tried a simpler simulation which contained a single DPPC in a box of 
ethanol and it worked and I could gain the non-bonded potentials between 
Ethanol and DPPC beads and both target and calculated RDF nicely match, but 
pressure is very high (10^6 bar) in the CG simulation box even after I used 
the pressure correction method (simple). What is the solution to acquire 
non-bonded potential between DPPC particles? How reduce pressure and make 
it compatible with atomistic one?

Thank you


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