-----Mensagem original-----
De: EFFector list [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: sábado, 12 de março de 2005 00:27
Assunto: EFFector 18.8: Action Alert - Best E-voting Bill Reintroduced -
Lend Your Support!

EFFector  Vol. 18, No. 8  March 11, 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
ISSN 1062-9424

In the 324th Issue of EFFector:

 * Action Alert: Best E-voting Bill Reintroduced - Lend
   Your Support!
 * EFF Giving and Activism Pages Improved
 * Court Crushes Online Journalists' Rights
 * WIPO Shutting Out Public Interest Organizations
 * EFF to ITU: DRM Is Dangerous for Developing Countries
 * Slowly, Sunshine Creeping Into Texas E-voting Process
 * Grokster Send-off Party - You're Invited!
 * IP Attorneys: EFF Wants You
 * Staff Calendar: 03.16.05 - Fred von Lohmann speaks at
   "IP and Creativity: Redefining the Issue," Washington,
 * MiniLinks (16): Discontent in the Cult of Mac
 * Administrivia

For more information on EFF activities & alerts:

To join EFF or make an additional donation:

EFF is a member-supported nonprofit.  Please sign up as a
member today!

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* Action Alert: Best E-voting Bill Reintroduced - Lend
Your Support!

In 2004, thousands of EFF activists helped Rep. Rush Holt's
Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act (VCIAA,
HB 550) garner immense support before the session ended.
The bill contains several critically important election
reforms, including the requirement of a paper audit trail
for all electronic voting machines, random audits, and
public availability of all code used in elections.  HB 550
was recently reintroduced, and it already has over 100
bipartisan cosponsors.

The momentum is on our side, and it's more important than
ever to ask your representative to support this bill -
many counties across the country are choosing voting
equipment now.  Tell Congress to stand up for election

Make your voice heard:

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* EFF Giving and Activism Pages Improved

Check out EFF's new donation, store, and activism pages!
We just converted the management of our systems and in
the process have improved the user experience exponentially.
Our action center should be more efficient, our donation
pages easier to navigate, and our store easier to use.
We'll be trying out some new features from time to time,
and we welcome your feedback about them.  Take a look,
and while you're at it, take action, shop, and donate!

Action center:

EFF store:


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* Court Crushes Online Journalists' Rights

EFF Asking California Appellate Court to Intervene

Santa Clara - Today Santa Clara County Superior Court
Judge James Kleinberg ruled that an online journalist's
Internet service provider (ISP) can be required to
reveal the identities of the reporter's confidential
sources to attorneys from Apple Computer, Inc.  The
court rejected a request for an order to protect the
confidentiality of the sources and other unpublished

EFF, along with co-counsel Thomas Moore III and Richard
Wiebe, is representing the journalist, and will be
asking the California Appellate Court to intervene.

"We're disappointed that the trial court ignored the
Supreme Court's requirement that seeking a journalist's
confidential sources be a 'last resort' in civil
discovery," said EFF Staff Attorney Kurt Opsahl.
"Instead, the court asserts a wholesale exception to
the journalist's privilege when the information is
alleged to be a trade secret."

"This is a broad-brush ruling that threatens journalists
of all stripes," said EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn.

This landmark case was the first in which a court heard
arguments that online reporters' confidential sources
and unpublished materials are protected by both the
reporter's shield in the California constitution and
the reporter's privilege under the federal First
Amendment.  But the court did not restrict its ruling
to online journalists, instead deciding that all
journalists could be required to reveal confidential
sources when a claim of trade secret is raised.

Apple is suing several unnamed individuals, called "Does,"
who allegedly leaked information about an upcoming
product code-named "Asteroid."  Apple has subpoenaed
Nfox, the ISP for PowerPage.com publisher Jason O'Grady,
demanding that the ISP turn over the communications
and unpublished materials O'Grady obtained while he
was gathering information for his articles about
"Asteroid."  Apple has also been granted permission to
issue subpoenas directly to EFF clients PowerPage and
AppleInsider for similar information, but these have
not yet been issued and were not ruled on today.

Court ruling:

Printable case summary:

More about Apple v. Does:

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* WIPO Shutting Out Public Interest Organizations

Experts on Development Won't Be Heard at Crucial Meetings

Geneva - Last week, the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) announced that it will shut out
most public interest organizations at two important
meetings devoted to intellectual property and development.
As a result, WIPO delegates from 182 nations will
discuss these issues without hearing from many of the
world's best-qualified experts.

Scheduled for next month, two WIPO "Development Agenda"
meetings will focus on the impact of copyright, patent,
and other intellectual property rights regimes on the
developing world.  Without the public interest
organizations, the discussions will be heavily weighted
toward major motion picture studios, broadcasters,
pharmaceutical giants, and other powerful interests
that want to expand copyright and patent law.

"This is an embarrassment for WIPO," explained EFF
European Affairs Coordinator Cory Doctorow.  "Settling
the debate by locking one side out of the building
isn't the way the UN is supposed to work.  We love
the Development Agenda - it's supposed to be a new
direction for WIPO.  A one-sided discussion isn't a new
direction, though.  It's just more of the same."

EFF is accredited as a WIPO permanent observer and will
be attending the meetings.  The group will be reporting
on the proceedings and will attempt to represent the
viewpoints of some of the other public interest groups
that are being excluded from the process.

For the full release:

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* EFF to ITU: DRM Is Dangerous for Developing Countries

EFF is pleased to announce that we have submitted a paper
to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the
UN agency that advises global leaders on telecommuncations
policy, as part of its survey of "Digital Rights Management"
(DRM) technologies (ITU-R Working Party 6M Report on
Content Protection Technologies).  Our message: These
technologies have been a disaster in the developed world
and they are a disaster in the offing for the developing

Cory Doctorow, EFF's European Affairs Coordinator and the
paper's principal author, explains, "This paper is part
of our ongoing effort to bring some sanity to the blind
march toward DRM technologies.  These technologies don't
work for stopping copyright infringement - their
supposed function - yet they've served as an
anti-competitive cudgel, a set of shackles on the
public's rights in copyright, and a rubric for censoring
and even jailing security researchers.  EFF is delighted
to be able to get this much-needed reality check before
policymakers worldwide as they consider the question:
'Which DRM is best for my country?'  Our answer: 'DRM
will exact a punishing toll on your national interest
and yield no benefit at all.'"

The paper, called "Digital Rights Management: A Failure
in the Developed World, a Danger to the Developing World,"
explores the ways that DRM has harmed the developed
world, negatively impacting scientific research, speech,
innovation, competition, legitimate consumer interests,
access by disabled people, archiving and library functions,
and distance education.  The paper goes on to examine the
risks to the developing world in terms of its potential
to curtail the public domain, to criminalize free and
open source software projects, to enable region-based
discrimination, and to lock local artists, authors, and
performers into the monopoly pricing of DRM vendors.

EFF would like to thank the Union for the Public Domain,
the Open Knowledge Forum, IP Justice, the Alternative
Law Forum, the World Blind Union, the European Digital
Rights Initiative, Electronic Frontier Finland, and the
Foundation for Internet Policy Research for their help
and endorsement of the paper.  If your organization
focuses on these issues and would like to sign on, please
contact Cory Doctorow at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Digital Rights Management: A Failure in the Developed
World, a Danger to the Developing World":

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* Slowly, Sunshine Creeping Into Texas E-voting Process

Up until a few weeks ago, Texas voters were effectively
locked out of the decision-making process surrounding
the certification of voting technology, electronic or
otherwise.  In an insular process that unavoidably
sheltered them from the worries of concerned citizens,
state examiners met in private with e-voting vendors to
discuss the pros and cons of proposed systems.
Predictably, without counter-balancing voices to grill
vendors on system flaws, examiners have repeatedly found
little reason to refrain from recommending certification
to the secretary of state.  And the secretary of state,
relying exclusively on examiners, has always followed
their recommendations.

Times change.  Courtesy of a lawsuit brought by EFF and
the ACLU, the Texas voting examiners and three vendors
faced the public February 28 in the state's first open
forum on voting technology.  Follow the links below to read
EFF Staff Attorney Matt Zimmerman's report on the forum
and to learn more about the lawsuit that opened the doors
to public participation:

Report on the meeting:

More about ACLU of Texas v. Connor:

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* Grokster Send-off Party - You're Invited!

The argument for MGM v. Grokster is almost upon us, and
we would like to send our team off to the Supreme Court
in style.  We'd also like to take the chance to thank all
our colleagues, friends, and supporters who have helped
us immeasurably in preparing for this moment.  So we're
having a party!

Please join us on Thursday, March 24, at the 1751 Social
Club for the celebration.  Doors open to the public at
8 p.m.  We hope to see you there!

Please respond to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 415-436-9333 x129

1751 Social Club
1751 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117

For directions, please see:

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* IP Attorneys: EFF Wants You

EFF is seeking an intellectual property staff attorney for
its legal team.  Responsibilities will include litigation,
public speaking, media outreach, plus legislative and
regulatory advocacy, all in connection with a variety of
intellectual property and high technology matters.

Qualified candidates should have roughly three years of
experience with litigation in at least one substantive
area of IP law (patent, copyright, trademark, or trade
secret) and a solid knowledge of the litigation process.
Candidates should also have significant experience
managing cases, both in terms of overall case strategy
as well as day-to-day projects and deadlines.  Candidates
should have good communication skills and interest in
working with a team of highly motivated lawyers and
activists in a hard-working nonprofit environment.
Strong writing and analytical skills as well as the
ability to be self-motivated and focused are essential.
Tech savviness and familiarity with Internet civil
liberties and high-tech public interest issues preferred.

Interested applicants should submit a resume, writing
sample, and references to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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* Staff Calendar
For a complete listing of EFF speaking engagements (with
locations and times), please visit the full calendar:

March 16 -
Fred von Lohmann speaks at "IP and Creativity: Redefining
the Issue"
Washington, DC
11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

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* miniLinks
miniLinks features noteworthy news items from around the

~ France Fines Programmer for Revealing Security Holes
If all security research is outlawed, only outlaws will
conduct security research:

~ Discontent in the Cult of Mac
Apple's attempts to squelch free speech have left some of
the faithful pondering conversion:
(LA Times)

~ ChoicePoint Hires Privacy Chief
Sort of like hiring a quarterback *after* you lose the Super

~ It's Getting Chilly Out There
A German news site has been banned from linking to a
website that provides software for circumventing copy
(CoCo blog)

~ Filesharer Gets Jail Time Under State Law
A university student in Arizona is the first to serve jail
time under state law for filesharing:
(Registration unfortunately required.)

~ CDT Files Complaint Against Barely Legal Download Sites
The DC-based policy group has asked the Federal Trade
Commission to investigate music download websites that
trick consumers with claims of legality:

~ Kenyan VoIP Ban Lifted by Court
The state-owned Telkom Kenya was ordered to restore the
service offered by a private company and was blasted for
being anticompetitive:

~ Biting the Hand That Wants to Feed You
Record companies have asked an Australian judge to block
the makers of KaZaA from paying labels that *choose* to
use the P2P network for distribution:

~ Give Someone a Lawyergram for Their Birthday
Next time you catch a child singing "Happy Birthday,"
make sure that the authorities are duly notified.  The
words are copyrighted, and the copyright holders will
be relieved to know that you're looking out for their
interests.  The good folks at UnhappyBirthday.com have
the details:

~ BitTorrent Could Make Everyone a Broadcaster
That's what a liberal activism group called
CommonBits.org aims to do:
(Seattle Times)

~ UT Governor's Wacky Interpretation of the First Amendment
Utah Governor Jon Huntsman wants to require ISPs to block
sites deemed pornographic.  This might be good politics
in Utah, but even the state's own legislative counsel
says, "the significant restrictions placed on
constitutionally protected speech suggest that the
adult content registry has a high probability of being
held unconstitutional":

~ Use BitTorrent to Get 2.6 Gigs of Free Music
And you won't get in trouble!  The organizers of South by
Southwest (a.k.a. SXSW), a popular music/film/Internet
conference, are using BitTorrent to distribute thousands
of songs from its roster of artists performing next week:

~ Stop Before You Click
FairTerms.org is a site dedicated to educating people about
the terrible things they're agreeing to when they click
"I agree" on digital products:

~ Security Companies Blast Canadian "DMCA"
Canada is considering DMCA-like changes to its copyright
law, including punishments for people who circumvent
technical protection measures.  Security professionals
are the latest group to say that's a rotten idea:

~ Michigan Takes the Blue Pill
State law enforcement officials announced that they'll be
dropping out of "Matrix," a controversial interstate
crime-fighting initiatives with serious privacy

~ Blogger Gets White House Press Credentials
Garrett Graff of FishbowlDC decided to test - and write
about - the alleged ease of obtaining White House press
(Registration unfortunately required.)

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* Administrivia

EFFector is published by:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation
454 Shotwell Street
San Francisco CA 94110-1914 USA
+1 415 436 9333 (voice)
+1 415 436 9993 (fax)

Donna Wentworth, Web Writer/Activist

Membership & donation queries:

General EFF, legal, policy, or online resources queries:

Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is
encouraged.  Signed articles do not necessarily represent the
views of EFF.  To reproduce signed articles individually,
please contact the authors for their express permission.
Press releases and EFF announcements & articles may be
reproduced individually at will.

Current and back issues of EFFector are available via the
Web at:

Click here to unsubscribe or change your subscription

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O texto acima e' de inteira e exclusiva responsabilidade de seu
autor, conforme identificado no campo "remetente", e nao
representa necessariamente o ponto de vista do Forum do Voto-E

O Forum do Voto-E visa debater a confibilidade dos sistemas
eleitorais informatizados, em especial o brasileiro, e dos
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