On Saturday 25 September 2004 22:31, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> On Sat 25 Sep 04, 10:25 PM, Ken Bloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > On Sat, Sep 25, 2004 at 01:32:02AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> > > Quoting Michael Wenk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > > > As I recall, all fdisk /mbr does is takes a copy of master boot
> > > > record from some backup location and places it in the master boot
> > > > record of the drive.
> > >
> > > Er, not "some backup location", but rather instructions towards that
> > > end inside FDISK.EXE.  (After all, it's only 446 bytes.)
> > >
> > > > I think this is why fdisk /mbr won't remove lilo very easily(as lilo
> > > > installs itself into the mbr as well as the backup location)
> > >
> > > Er, no, that has nothing to do with it.  When you run /sbin/lilo (the
> > > map installer), whatever is specified in /etc/lilo.conf's boot= line
> > > (which could be /dev/hda, but doesn't have to be) gets overridden, and
> > > the former contents of the target is written out to /boot/boot.NNMM,
> > > where NNMM is the major and minor numbers.
> >
> > I thought fdisk /mbr *did* remove lilo easily. Am I wrong?
> > --Ken
> Nope, you're not wrong.  It DOES remove lilo easily.  At least, it always
> did at the installfests...
> Pete

I did this back in 2000 I believe, but I had a system with LILO that was 
hosed.  I started playing with lilo, and then I tried to use FDISK.EXE(from 
win98 OSR 2 ) and it still was not able to recreate the master boot record.  

This was a long time ago, and maybe I am misremembering.  


Mike Wenk
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