On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:48:37AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Bill Broadley (b...@cse.ucdavis.edu):
> > Er, right in the bold 3rd paragraph he mentions /boot, he mentioned in in 
> > the
> > why partition paragraph... twice.  In fact he mentioned /boot as 4th most
> > important partition ahead of /tmp, /var, /home, and /usr/local.  He 
> > mentioned
> > /boot a dozen or so times, and it's in his examples that he lists.
> > 
> > So what is factually incorrect again?
> It's not in his basic recommendation, nor his "How many partitions"
> list, nor his desktop recommendation.  The only example he has it in is
> "A suggested laptop/desktop configuration" at the end.  You're
> characterisation of "strong on /boot" is obviously wrong -- as will be
> apparent to anyone who actually reads the page.
> But, you know, Karsten has already done his best to set you straight.

This is sounding personal. I am sure that Bill's system will run,
whichever method he choose. Why such factually logical steadfastness?

Once again, "LVM is king!" Horaay for the king. Long live the king, LVM.

Brian Lavender
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