On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 15:16 -0700, Richard Harke wrote:
> Sorry. I was trying to keep it short.
> Linux, of course. Debian etch for amd-64
> /etchosts has a localhost grassmann
> line plus a line grassmann.harke.org grassmann
> and similar for my other machines on this lan
> every thing on this lan has fixed IP address
> One mystery solved. /etc/resolv.conf has the IP addresses for openDNS
> But I don't know how they got there. The file is dated 10/20 so it
> might be
> from when I used the wifi at Borders. I had to change my interfaces
> file
> and do a ifup ath0=borders to get connected. Could that have given
> permission to rewrite /etc/resolv.conf?
> I guess I could check this out the next time I'm at Borders.

DHCP clients by default overwrite /etc/resolv.conf to use their own DNS
settings unless you have the resolvconf package installed (which
provides a more principled way to reconcile automatic changes by
creating a whole directory of resolv.conf, one per client, then
creating /etc/resolv.conf as the union of all of those files, and hooks
into all of the programs that have reasons to change /etc/resolv.conf)

If /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink, then the resolvconf package is

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