Quoting Alex Mandel (tech_...@wildintellect.com):

> Apache is least resistance as it's in use on all the machines in this
> cluster of various web services and all the admins know how to configure
> it. I'm open to exploring anything that's in Debian+Backports and is
> current/supported. Most of the oddball things people have mentioned so
> far are long abandoned projects from 2005 and earlier. nginx sounds
> promising and I'll look into that.

You might find useful the list I have inside
http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/faq/index.php?page=warez , in the paragraph
starting "If you need an http (Web) server".

Back in 1999, when I was head system administrator at Linuxcare, Inc.,
in San Francisco, and we needed a small, fast, secure httpd, we used
Boa, which is a single-tasking, non-forking httpd.  It was really easy
to deploy at the time, on account of its extremely Apache-inspired
boa.conf conffile.  (You presumably wouldn't like the fact that it was
last updated in 2005.  I'm unsure what I'd pick today, but quite probably

Anyway, cited URL provides about twenty options in this area.

Rick Moen                         "The word 'totally' is redundant except when
r...@linuxmafia.com               describing how rad something is."
McQ!  (4x80)                                           -- FakeAPStylebook
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