Seems more likely that you haven't included the declarations for the C routines 
in your cpp file. Would need to see more context to diagnose. 

"Hai Yi" <> wrote:

>Hello all:
>I created a class FFMpegMgr and a method init(); inside init() I just put
>three ffmpeg api there:
> av_register_all();
>The source file ffmpegmgr.cpp look like this:
> void FFMpegMgr::init() {
>    avcodec_register_all();
>    avdevice_register_all();
>    av_register_all();
>Now I got a "undefined reference to avcodec_register_all" error.
>if I put that body in the class declaration or add a "inline" keyword, that
>problem was gone and the compilation succeeded.
>question is, do those three functions, which are C functions defined in
>avcodec.h,  have to be used only in the inline functions in C++?
>Sorry if it appear naive - I've been out of touch with C/C++ for a while.
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