If you don't care that much about hardware raid, then I'd suggest the NSLU2
or the Sheevaplug.

I use the NSLU2 myself, and run debian on it.  Its a mite slow, but it
doesn't draw much power, nor does it generate a ton of heat.


On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Alex Mandel <tech_...@wildintellect.com>wrote:

> So I need to replace my dying NAS/Print server and was contemplating a
> low power web server (5-10 watts) so I could stop leaving a
> workstation/server on all the time.
> Aside from the massive question of what to get, there's the tricky part
> of should this be 1 device or 2?
> It seems like a NAS with hardware RAID and 2-4 drives and 2-4 usb ports
> would do the trick nicely, but I'm having a hard time finding out how
> much power these things take and many of them seem to have custom linux
> setups with oddities that would prevent me from saying running
> apache/mod_wsgi/trac or plone (the 2 things I use for my websites).
> Is the trade-off of a less flexible linux install for a simpler
> printer/network share config worth it? (I've done a samba printer share
> before but it took me several days to figure out)
> Anyone have any suggestions about devices?
> I've been poking at:
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822122022
> http://www.amazon.com/fit-PC-Slim-Diskless/dp/B001L4I9HK
> and some other similar stuff...
> Thanks,
> Alex
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