Looks like a nonstandard typedef for an unsigned 32-bit integer.  The actual 
typedef would generally be compiler-specific, but

typedef unsigned int u_int32;

would probably work on any linux computer.

"Brian Lavender" <br...@brie.com> wrote:

>I have some code that has the following snippet, but it has this
>u_int32. What the heck is u_int32?
>  Courtesy of http://ettercap.sourceforge.net/
>#define ptohs(x) ( (u_int16_t)                       \
>                      ((u_int16_t)*((u_int8_t *)x+1)<<8|  \
>                      (u_int16_t)*((u_int8_t *)x+0)<<0)   \
>                    )
>#define ptohl(x) ( (u_int32)*((u_int8_t *)x+3)<<24|  \
>                      (u_int32)*((u_int8_t *)x+2)<<16|  \
>                      (u_int32)*((u_int8_t *)x+1)<<8|   \
>                      (u_int32)*((u_int8_t *)x+0)<<0    \
>                    )
>#define ptohs(x) *(u_int16_t *)(x)
>#define ptohl(x) *(u_int32 *)(x)
>Brian Lavender
>"There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to
>make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other
>way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
>Professor C. A. R. Hoare
>The 1980 Turing award lecture
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