> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [vox-tech] MySQL Server with failover?
> From: "David Spencer, Internet Handyman" <spen...@pageweavers.com>
> Date: Tue, June 29, 2010 1:35 pm
> To: vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
> Cc: spen...@pageweavers.com
> I was considering building a server for my rackspace that just provided MYSQL
> database service. Actually, it wouldn't be a server but more likely a cluster
> with a SAN so I could have high-availabilty. Is anybody aware of a vendor that
> already builds such a beast? Or, if I have to roll-my-own, any ideas on the
> best way to go about this?

I plan to build a MySQL cluster. So I bought the book titled "MySQL

It begins:
"MySQL Cluster is an enterprise-grade, scalable, and highly available
clustering product from MySQL AB, released under the MySQL dual license.
MySQL Cluster is a share-nothing cluster with no single point of
failure, and it is capable of running on inexpensive commodity

It continues:
"It is possible to achieve telco-grade "five nines" uptime (99.999%)

> Thanks!
> -- Dave Spencer, PageWeavers
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