
I have an XML file generated via PHP, and containing the contents of several 
linked tables from a relational database. I would like to generalize some 
sample XSLT documents to convert the entire file into a sequence of CSV 
files. The XML file will essentially be exploded back into a set of CSV 
files, one for each of the original tables. The idea would be to create a 
couple XSLT files for converting the XML format into several possible output 

Attached is the XML file, as well as two XSLT files. I suppose that I could 
loop over the tables of interest, and apply separate XSLT files to the 
original XML-- saving to different output files each time. It would be more 
convenient to have all of that logic embedded in the XSLT file-- if possible.

Any ideas?


Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis
<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <creation_date>2008-08-02 22:13:15</creation_date>
      <modification_date>2009-08-17 12:30:17</modification_date>
      <lithostratic_units>Calaveras Formation</lithostratic_units>
      <field_classification>Fine, mixed, semiactive, thermic, Mollic Haploxeralf</field_classification>
        <common_name>blue oak</common_name>
        <common_name>live oak</common_name>
        <common_name>ann. grasses</common_name>
        <note>pasture #2 at Latigo</note>
        <note>nearby outcropping of greenstone</note>
        <note>under oak canopy</note>
        <note>metasediment outcroppings at summit</note>
        <memo>texture class derived from lab data.</memo>
        <notes>hoof-pan. Mn masses present</notes>
        <notes>very porous matrix</notes>
        <notes>too moist for a dry color</notes>
        <notes>paralithic meta-volcanic. variegated colors</notes>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
  <xsl:output method="text" encoding="iso-8859-1"/>

  <xsl:param name="delim" select="string(',')" />
  <xsl:param name="quote" select="string('&quot;')" />
  <xsl:param name="break" select="string('&#xD;')" />

  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="pedon_collection/pedon/description" />

  <xsl:template match="description">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
    <xsl:if test="following-sibling::*">
      <xsl:value-of select="$break" />

  <xsl:template match="*">
    <!-- remove normalize-space() if you want keep white-space at it is --> 
    <xsl:value-of select="concat($quote, normalize-space(.), $quote)" />
    <xsl:if test="following-sibling::*">
      <xsl:value-of select="$delim" />
  <xsl:template match="text()" />
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
  <xsl:output method="text" encoding="iso-8859-1"/>

  <xsl:param name="delim" select="string(',')" />
  <xsl:param name="quote" select="string('&quot;')" />
  <xsl:param name="break" select="string('&#10;')" />

  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="pedon_collection/pedon/horizon/horizon_record" />

  <xsl:template match="horizon_record">
    <xsl:apply-templates />
    <xsl:if test="following-sibling::*">
      <xsl:value-of select="$break" />

  <xsl:template match="*">
    <!-- remove normalize-space() if you want keep white-space at it is --> 
    <xsl:value-of select="concat($quote, normalize-space(.), $quote)" />
    <xsl:if test="following-sibling::*">
      <xsl:value-of select="$delim" />
  <xsl:template match="text()" />
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