
I just tried to install Voyage using Ubuntu Dapper, and had some issues.
I made a patch to fix them, the basically does two things:

1. Modern distributions mount CF disk automatically through HAL. The
installation script tries to manually mount the CF disk, and fails
because it may already be mounted. So my patch first tries to unmount
the CF disk, before mounting it again as ext2.

2. On my system lilo wouldn't install because /dev/sda wasn't available.
My patch does a bind mount of /dev to /cfdisk/dev, which makes all
devices of the host system available to the lilo chroot.

Pascal de Bruijn


diff -Nur voyage-0.2/voyage.update voyage-0.2-lumiad/voyage.update
--- voyage-0.2/voyage.update	2006-04-05 20:49:15.000000000 +0200
+++ voyage-0.2-lumiad/voyage.update	2006-07-14 10:56:58.000000000 +0200
@@ -176,8 +176,11 @@
 	[ "$newlilo" ] || { echo "Fatal Error: Failed to calculate new lilo.voyage.conf contents" >&2; exit; }
 	echo "$newlilo" > $MOUNTDISK/etc/lilo.install.conf
+	mount -o bind /dev $MOUNTDISK/dev
 	chroot $MOUNTDISK lilo -C /etc/lilo.install.conf || { echo "Fatal Error: Failed to chroot to $MOUNTDISK to install lilo" >&2; exit; }
+	umount $MOUNTDISK/dev	
 	DISK_DEV=`basename "$DISK"`
 	newlilo=`cat $MOUNTDISK/etc/lilo.install.conf | sed -e "s/${DISK_DEV}/hda/" -e "/disk =/d" -e "/bios = /d"  `
 	echo "$newlilo" > $MOUNTDISK/etc/lilo.conf
@@ -265,6 +268,7 @@
 read a
 echo "Installing . . ." >&2;
+umount $MOUNTDISK
 mount -t ext2 ${DISK}1 $MOUNTDISK || { echo "Fatal Error: Failed to mount ${DISK}1 on $MOUNTDISK as an ext2 partition" >&2; exit; }
 rm -rf $MOUNTDISK/* || { echo "Fatal Error: Failed to delete everything in $MOUNTDISK/*" >&2; exit; }
 cd $MOUNTVOYAGE || { echo "Fatal Error: Failed to change directory to $MOUNTVOYAGE" >&2; exit; }
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