I try to install voyage linux as a client os on vmware and following
the steps on the cd-rom guide on


 I have some problems to install voyage and the guide is not very
detailed and. Therefore I thought I will go through it step be step to
show you where the problems started. Maybe this descriptions can be
used for a bit more extended (dummy proof)  installation guide. On the
wiki maybe?

So here it goes:

~~~~~       From the guide:              ~~~~~~~
|   1. Create distribution directory for installation
|         # mkdir /tmp/root
|         # mount -o loop /live_media/casper/filesystem.squashfs  /tmp/root
|         # cd /tmp/root        
|   2. Make a mount point for installation disk
|         # mkdir /tmp/cf
|   ....

OK done - no problems, but the next step let me wondering if things go alright

~~~~~       From the guide:              ~~~~~~~
|   ...
|   3. Format target disk device
|       # /usr/local/sbin/format-cf.sh /dev/hda
|   ...

here the issues start: There is no /dev/hda device, but /dev/hdc. Is
that problem? Well I execute the command on step 3.) it anyway:

   $ /usr/local/sbin/format-cf.sh /dev/hda
   Press ENTER to continue to format flash memory on /dev/hda

should I see /dev/hda now? Because the directory is not here:

   $ ls /dev/hda
   ls: /dev/hda: No such file or directory

Is that a problem?

~~~~~       From the guide:              ~~~~~~~
|   ...
|   4. Start voyage.update installation script  
|       # /usr/local/sbin/voyage.update
| Following the instruction to select /tmp/root as distribution directory, and
|  /tmp/cf as mount point.  After the installation complete, simple reboot the
|  board and Voyage will be started!
|   ...

Here I wish the guide to be a bit more detailed. Here is what I see
running step 4.):
   $ /usr/local/sbin/voyage.update
   1 - Create new Voyage Linux disk
   2 - Update existing Voyage configuration
   3 - Exit
           (default=1 [Create new Voyage Linux disk]):
   $ 1
   Where is the Voyage Linux distribution directory?
   $ /tmp/root
   What would you like to do?
   1 - Specify Distribution Directory
   2 - Select Target Profile
   3 - Select Target Disk
   4 - Select Target Bootstrap Loader
   5 - Configure Target Console
   6 - Copy Distribution to Target
   7 - Exit
           (default=2 [ Select Target Profile]):
   $ 2
   Please select Voyage profile:
   1 - 4501
   2 - 4511/4521
   3 - 4801
   4 - 5501
   5 - ALIX
   6 - Generic PC
   7 - Notebook *pcmdia)
   8 - WRAP
          (default=8 [WRAP])
   $ 6
   What would you like to do?
   1 - Specify Distribution Directory
   2 - Select Target Profile
   3 - Select Target Disk
   4 - Select Target Bootstrap Loader
   5 - Confuigure Target Console
   6 - Copy Distribution to Target
   7 - Exit
           (default=3 [ Select Target Disk]):
   $ 3
   Partitions information
   Major  Minor  #blocks    name
     8          0    8388608     sda
     7          0     28228       loop0
     7          1    28228        loop1
            Which device accesses the target disk [/dev/hde]?
   $ /dev/hda
  Error: /dev/hda is not a disk device!

   $ /dev/hde
   Error: /dev/hda is not a disk device!

Ok - here is where the voyage ends for me. I think I have two
connected problems here

- not sure if /dev/hda is really really created
- therefore could not choose /dev/hda/ as target disk

Could somebody help me with this?
Thanks a lot.

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