Hi and help! - been using Voyage MPD 0.9 (with Hiface driver) on an Alix 2d2
with no issues and greatly enjoying it. Recently I bought this
_and_led_pcb>  XMOS USB-I2S board and ESS9018K2M package, mainly to see if
the 'bit-perfect volume control' would really work and eliminate a preamp.


It worked fine on the default settings on the Alix/Voyage but the volume
slider on mPod had no effect. I can get the volume slider to work by
changing mixer_type to 'software' at the end of the mpd.conf file but I
don't think this is how it should work - or am I wrong?


I believe it should work on the 'hardware' settings but can anyone suggest
the correct configuration of ALSA output? 


I have tried changing mixer_device to "hw:0" and "hw:0,0". Also tried
changing mixer_control to "hardware" but no joy. It plays but the volume
slider does not work.


Guidance/education appreciated.




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