Hi Haruto,

Am 21.02.2015 um 11:00 schrieb Haruto Iba:
> mpd dies immediately after I access to internet radio station which
> stopped broadcasting temporary.
> mpd stays resident in memory after freezing until I restart it.
> http://sc01.warpradio.com:8240/ /Dinner Jazz Excurtion
I tried to get this working for me, but it seems that the server ist
currently down, so I cannot test.
> is there any problem handling such a station?
Not that I'm aware of.
Try e.g.

  * Jazz-Radio;
  * Radio Crazy Jazz; http://stream2138.init7.net:80
  * TSF Jazz; http://broadcast.infomaniak.net/tsfjazz-high.mp3

I don't know, how you actually feed the mpd with this information. I do
it by feeding the url into my ario client an let it create the playlist
file. Alternatively you can provide the .m3u file in
/var/lib/mpd/playlists with the url as content.

Hope that helps.


Stefan U. Hegner 
              * * *
D-32584 Löhne --- good ole Germany

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