Hi everybody,
I'm new to this forum, so please forgive me if my post isn't well formatted.
I recently installed linux voyage + mpd version 0.10.0, with mpd ver.0.19.9, 
and it WAS working quite well.
I'm using a Yulong DAC in "bit perfect" mode, with ALSA, my system is an old 
Centrino-powered Acer Travelmate 663 LMi with 1GB RAM.
Everything was fine until I shutdown the OS with "shutdown -h now", while a 
song was playing. 
The next time I started the system (I can't remember if the DAC was already 
on), the last song I was playing suddenly came out from the 
laptop's embedded Realtek audio card.
Then, I remember, I made sure the DAC was on and rebooted: same result, as soon 
as the OS was loaded, music started coming out from the Realtek.
Worse than that, I couldn't even connect with any client to STOP the sound, 
which was coming out at the loudest volume.
I then googled a little, and found the "mpd.conf" parameter "restore_paused 
"yes"" so, at least, I managed to restart without that song banging 
my brain. After some hours I found out that I couldn't connect from a client 
because the IP address was DHCP-assigned, and it had changed because
of my son's new cell phone had "stolen" my usual IP address. Anyway, I set the 
IP as static, eventually managed to connect from a client...but now...
no sound at all!!! The DAC is not receiving any signal.

I checked ALSA with both 
[code]aplay -vv /path/to/file.wav[/code]
[code]speaker-test -c 2 -t wav[/code]
the sound is played through the DAC, so I think it might be a problem with mpd.
root@voyage:~# mpd --version
Music Player Daemon 0.19.9

Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Warren Dukes <warren.du...@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Max Kellermann <m...@duempel.org>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Database plugins:
 simple proxy upnp

Storage plugins:
 local smbclient nfs

Neighbor plugins:
 smbclient upnp

Decoders plugins:
 [mad] mp3 mp2
 [mpg123] mp3
 [vorbis] ogg oga
 [oggflac] ogg oga
 [flac] flac
 [opus] opus ogg oga
 [sndfile] wav aiff aif au snd paf iff svx sf voc w64 pvf xi htk caf sd2
 [audiofile] wav au aiff aif
 [dsdiff] dff
 [dsf] dsf
 [faad] aac
 [mpcdec] mpc
 [wavpack] wv
 [modplug] 669 amf ams dbm dfm dsm far it med mdl mod mtm mt2 okt s3m stm ult 
umx                         xm
 [mikmod] amf dsm far gdm imf it med mod mtm s3m stm stx ult uni xm
 [sidplay] sid mus str prg P00
 [wildmidi] mid
 [fluidsynth] mid
 [adplug] amd d00 hsc laa rad raw sa2
 [ffmpeg] 16sv 3g2 3gp 4xm 8svx aa3 aac ac3 afc aif aifc aiff al alaw amr anim 
apc                         ape asf atrac au aud avi avm2 avs bap bfi c93 cak 
cin cmv cpk daud dct divx dts d                        v dvd dxa eac3 film flac 
flc fli fll flx flv g726 gsm gxf iss m1v m2v m2t m2ts m4a                       
  m4b m4v mad mj2 mjpeg mjpg mka mkv mlp mm mmf mov mp+ mp1 mp2 mp3 mp4 mpc 
mpeg mp                        g mpga mpp mpu mve mvi mxf nc nsv nut nuv oga 
ogm ogv ogx oma ogg omg opus psp pva                         qcp qt r3d ra ram 
rl2 rm rmvb roq rpl rvc shn smk snd sol son spx str swf tgi tgq                 
        tgv thp ts tsp tta xa xvid uv uv2 vb vid vob voc vp6 vmd wav webm wma 
wmv wsaud w                        svga wv wve
 [gme] ay gbs gym hes kss nsf nsfe sap spc vgm vgz

Output plugins:
 shout null fifo pipe alsa roar ao oss openal pulse jack httpd recorder

Encoder plugins:
 null vorbis opus lame wave flac

Archive plugins:
 [bz2] bz2
 [zzip] zip
 [iso] iso

Input plugins:
 file alsa archive curl ffmpeg smbclient nfs mms cdio_paranoia

Playlist plugins:
 extm3u m3u pls xspf asx rss soundcloud cue embcue

 file:// http:// https:// mms:// mmsh:// mmst:// mmsu:// gopher:// rtp:// 
rtsp://                         rtmp:// rtmpt:// rtmps:// smb:// nfs:// cdda:// 


Config file:
root@voyage:~# cat /etc/mpd.conf
#     AUDIO

 audio_output {
 type  "alsa"
 name  "hw:0,0"
 device "hw:0,0"
 use_mmap  "yes"
# usb_dsd   "yes"
# format  "44100:16:2"
# period_time  "200000"
# mixer_device  "default"
# mixer_control  "PCM"
# mixer_index  "0"

#     MIXER

# mixer_type   "hardware"
# mixer_type   "software"
 mixer_type   "none"

#     BUFFER

# audio_buffer_size  "2048"
# buffer_before_play  "10%"

 audio_buffer_size  "16864"
 buffer_before_play  "0%"

#     MUSICA

 music_directory       "/mnt/nas"
 db_file               "/mnt/nas/mpd/tag_cache"

 playlist_directory       "/mnt/nas/mpd/playlists"

 log_file       "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"

 pid_file       "/var/run/mpd/pid"

 state_file       "/var/lib/mpd/state"


 port    "6600"
 bind_to_address  "any"

#     METADATA (tag)

  id3v1_encoding   "UTF-8"
  filesystem_charset  "UTF-8"
# id3v1_encoding   "ISO-8859-1"
# filesystem_charset  "ISO-8859-1"


# user   "mpd"
# password   "password@read,add,control,admin"
# default_permissions      "read,add,control,admin"

#     INPUT

# input {
#   plugin "curl"
# proxy "proxy.isp.com:8080"
# proxy_user "user"
# proxy_password "password"

#     ALTRO

# max_playlist_length  "16864"
# connection_timeout  "60"
# max_connections  "10"
# max_command_list_size  "2048"
# max_output_buffer_size  "8192"

# gapless_mp3_playback   "yes"
# save_absolute_paths_in_playlists "no"

 log_level   "verbose"

 follow_outside_symlinks "yes"
 follow_inside_symlinks "yes"

 zeroconf_enabled "no"
 zeroconf_name "MPD"

 restore_paused "yes"

# auto_update    "yes"
# auto_update_depth "3"

# sticker_file    "/var/lib/mpd/sticker.sql"



# audio_output_format  "192000:32:2"
# audio_output_format  "192000:24:2"
# audio_output_format  "96000:24:2"
# audio_output_format  "44100:16:2"
 samplerate_converter  "Best Sinc Interpolator"         #0  (97dB SNR, 96% BW)
# samplerate_converter  "Medium Sinc Interpolator"   #1  (97dB SNR, 90% BW)
# samplerate_converter  "Fastest Sinc Interpolator"     #2  (97dB SNR, 80% BW)
# samplerate_converter  "ZOH Interpolator"               #3  (low quality)
# samplerate_converter  "Linear Interpolator"             #4  (very low quality)
# samplerate_converter   "internal"

#     STREAMING (.mp3, .ogg, .flac, .wav)

# audio_output {
# type  "httpd"
# name  "MP3"
# port  "9001"
# encoder  "lame"
# encoding "mp3"
# quality  "10"
# bitrate  "64"
# format  "44100:16:2"
# enabled  "no"

#audio_output {
# type  "httpd"
# name  "OGG"
# port  "9002"
# encoder  "vorbis"
# quality  "8"
# bitrate  "64"
# format  "44100:16:2"
# enabled  "no"

#audio_output {
# type  "httpd"
# name  "FLAC"
# port  "9003"
# encoder  "flac"
# format  "44100:16:2"
# enabled  "no"

#audio_output {
# type  "httpd"
# name  "WAV"
# port  "9004"
# encoder  "wave"
# format  "44100:16:2"
# enabled  "no"

#     STREAMING (southcast)

# audio_output {
# type        "shout"
# encoding    "lame"
# name        "Radio CB"
# host        "localhost"
# port        "8000"
# mount        "/mpd.mp3"
# password    "hackme"
# quality        "5.0"
# bitrate        "64"
# format        "44100:16:2"
# enabled "no"
# protocol    "icecast2"        # optional
# user        "source"        # optional
# description    "My Stream Description"    # optional
# genre        "jazz"            # optional
# public        "no"            # optional
# timeout        "2"            # optional
# }


#   decoder {
#   plugin "sndfile"
#    enabled "no"


For my poor understanding, it seems that a song is actually being played:
root@voyage:~# mpd --verbose --stdout --no-daemon
config_file: loading file /etc/mpd.conf
server_socket: bind to '' failed: Address already in use 
(continuing anyway, because binding to '[::]:6600' succeeded)
path: SetFSCharset: fs charset is: UTF-8
libsamplerate: libsamplerate converter 'Best Sinc Interpolator'
vorbis: Xiph.Org libVorbis 1.3.4
opus: libopus 1.1
sndfile: libsndfile-1.0.25
wildmidi: configuration file does not exist: /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg
adplug: adplug 2.2.1
db: reading DB
curl: version 7.38.0
curl: with GnuTLS/3.3.8
state_file: Loading state file /var/lib/mpd/state
playlist: queue song 1:"AIR - 10 000 HZ LEGEND/AIR - 10 000 HZ LEGEND.flac"
decoder_thread: probing plugin flac
decoder: audio_format=44100:16:2, seekable=true
alsa_output: opened hw:0,0 type=HW
alsa_output: format=S32_LE (Signed 32 bit Little Endian)
alsa_output: buffer: size=16..131072 time=362..2972155
alsa_output: period: size=8..65536 time=181..1486078
alsa_output: default period_time = buffer_time/4 = 500000/4 = 125000
alsa_output: buffer_size=22050 period_size=5513
output: opened plugin=alsa name="hw:0,0" audio_format=44100:32:2
output: converting from 44100:16:2
output: closed plugin=alsa name="hw:0,0"
client: [0] opened from
client: [1] opened from
client: [0] process command "stats"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "plchanges "-1""
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [1] process command "idle"
client: [1] command returned 1
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "pause"
alsa_output: opened hw:0,0 type=HW
alsa_output: format=S32_LE (Signed 32 bit Little Endian)
alsa_output: buffer: size=16..131072 time=362..2972155
alsa_output: period: size=8..65536 time=181..1486078
alsa_output: default period_time = buffer_time/4 = 500000/4 = 125000
alsa_output: buffer_size=22050 period_size=5513
output: opened plugin=alsa name="hw:0,0" audio_format=44100:32:2
output: converting from 44100:16:2
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [1] process command "idle"
client: [1] command returned 1
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "pause"
client: [0] command returned 0
output: closed plugin=alsa name="hw:0,0"
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [1] process command "idle"
client: [1] command returned 1
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "lsinfo """
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "list "artist""
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "lsinfo "AIR - 10 000 HZ LEGEND""
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "listplaylists"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "add "AIR - 10 000 HZ LEGEND/AIR - 10 000 HZ 
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "playlistid"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "plchanges "2""
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "playid "7""
playlist: play 6:"AIR - 10 000 HZ LEGEND/AIR - 10 000 HZ LEGEND.flac"
player: played "Bach J. S. - Brandenburgische Konzerte 4-6 The English Concert 
- Trevor Pinnock/The English Concert - Trevor Pinnock - Brandenburgische 
Konzerte 4-6 (Trevor Pinnock & The English Concert).flac"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "play"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
decoder_thread: probing plugin flac
decoder: audio_format=44100:16:2, seekable=true
alsa_output: opened hw:0,0 type=HW
alsa_output: format=S32_LE (Signed 32 bit Little Endian)
alsa_output: buffer: size=16..131072 time=362..2972155
alsa_output: period: size=8..65536 time=181..1486078
alsa_output: default period_time = buffer_time/4 = 500000/4 = 125000
alsa_output: buffer_size=22050 period_size=5513
output: opened plugin=alsa name="hw:0,0" audio_format=44100:32:2
output: converting from 44100:16:2
client: [1] process command "idle"
client: [1] command returned 1
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [1] process command "idle"
client: [1] command returned 1
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [0] process command "pause"
client: [0] command returned 0
output: closed plugin=alsa name="hw:0,0"
client: [0] process command "status"
client: [0] command returned 0
client: [1] process command "idle"
client: [1] command returned 1
client: [0] closed
client: [1] closed

Here are the installed audio cards:
root@voyage:~# cat /proc/asound/cards
 0 [DAC            ]: USB-Audio - YULONG Audio 384K DSD DAC
                      YULONG Audio YULONG Audio 384K DSD DAC at 
usb-0000:00:1d.7-4, high speed
 1 [I82801DBICH4   ]: ICH4 - Intel 82801DB-ICH4
                      Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with ALC202 at irq 10
 2 [Modem          ]: ICH-MODEM - Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem
                      Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem at irq 10

And here is the params related to the playing DAC:
root@voyage:~# cat /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params
format: S32_LE
subformat: STD
channels: 2
rate: 44100 (44100/1)
period_size: 5513
buffer_size: 22050
Can anyone please help??

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