
maybe you can explain this little thing with the Cachebrowser. When
you select it from Voyager and it displays all the links/imaes etc.
there are a few buttons on the right - one of which says view. Now if
you click on a cached image/html/txt file and click view nothing

Now a quick snoopdos check reveals that the cached file is chucked
into T: and then deleted from T: and then multiview is called. 

I checked the MIME types from the menu and nothing was stored for
gif/jpg/html types - so I added them - telling the cachebrowser to
display them with voyager. However it seems to ignore these settings
and still copies the file to T: then deletes it, then tries to open it
with Multiview - which it can't obviously since it already deleted

The only other button that may do this correctly is the Show button -
but its permanently ghosted.

So, any chance this'll be fixed later olli?


"He's dead, Jim. Spock took his tricorder ... can I have his wallet?"
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