On 14-Aug-99, Chris Wiles wrote:

> 1. Olli was busy with his apartment and getting married end of 1998 -
> he built his own apartment, really! So little (none?) V coding was
> done until early 1999 onwards. Not that he didn't want to, just as he
> was quite busy with the new apartment and so on.

> We will look at them, really. It won't be done in time for pre-release
> 2, but things will be done :)

Of course Olli is a great hero. We all know that. He is doing
single-handed (or almost) what M$ do with a team of a hundred.

Of course it is a good thing that the table handling will now be as fast
as in other browsers (maybe faster). I'm looking forward to seeing it.

I guess it will take a few months to get all the JS bugs/problems
sorted, but we are on the way.

The only other tables site that particularly seems to mess up is Deja.com
(where you get to view Jim Collas' posts). The posts spread across
outside the window and there is over-writing. 

Probably if that and the other ones reported are looked at, that will
sort most of the table parsing issues. They are not really bugs, more
decisions as to how to handle particular variants of table code.

I notice V doesn't seem to like it if all the columns have an exactly
specified width. It works best if the last one is *

For me, the major limitation of V now that JS is here and Java on its
way (eventually) is not being able to print a page at full quality on my
PostScript laser printer. For instance, if I want to print out the
Neutrino docs, I will have to go into work and do it on Netscape/IE. 

I realise that good printing will require the user to specify outline
fonts as well as bitmaps for display. The new version of the PDF viewer
APDF does this, and it works quite well - worth looking at to see how to
do it.

Don Cox

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