> > IMO, if you can afford it (and I know not everyone can), show your support
> > now and register or upgrade, especially if you use the software regularly.
> Hrm.. The only part of Vapor's suite I use regularly is VoyagerNG, which I
> _have_ registered. As soon as the upgrade thingie goes through for V³ I'll
> upgrade. But, as a lot of others have already said, not many can afford to
> register/upgrade everything, especially if they don't use it regularly. I've
> been spending quite a lot of money on my Amiga recently (BlizzPPC, BVision,
> CyberGraphX 4, DOpus Magellan 2, even a 19" monitor!), and I can't afford
> buying everything I would like to. And I really _would_ like to spend some
> more money on software, but I guess you have to make priorities. :)
>  /Brian Riis

Well...it's a question of balance really. It's fine having all the
hardware but what can you do without software  ??

Neglecting  the software companies, isn't going to work. I spend about
$100+ a year on pure software. That may not bee a lot but it's more
than most people. I don't buy expensive packages, in general.
Netconnect was an exception but it was 11 programs in one and was a

I just ordered OS3.5 and 3.1 roms and the pcx/fusion combo from
software hut.

All software ???

Wwell the roms, but I also ordered the Ariadne 2  and
bought a used Piccolo so I now have 800x600x16-bit (it does go higher)
and voyager looks great.

Again...it's a question of balance.

As for sending money to some of the shareware authors. I find that if
I contact them by e-mail, most will have a pizza hut or whatever
locally. I can do a credit card order and they can pick it up when
they want. Protects me and protects them  :)


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