On 13-Aug-99, Chris Wiles wrote:
> Not any more! :)

> It takes a lot of effort to please me...but Olli has done it. The latest
> Voyager 3 beta is about 4-5 faster at handling tables and forms within
> tables. I'm not kidding.

Now when I've read all emails I can say, cool, this is the most annoying
the speed of tables, and now it's fast. YEAH! :)

Another thing: I want this to be a Voyager ml, not an AmigaNG-thoughts ml.
I really hate the off topic mails :(

One other thing which can be annoying in Voyager, is the frames part.
This is probably because of the HTML code, but on some frames there isn't
scrollbars, even if the frame is too small for the content, so one have to

Cheers, Voyager rocks! :)
|Fredrik "McDrill" Söderberg
|"Life sucks, you can't live with it and you can't live without it"
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