> And, my accelerator is one of those damn GVP A1230 Series II cards.
> GVP didn't follow autoconfig specs with it, and it blocks access
> to my Zorro II back plane.  So, anything that I plug into the
> Zorro slots doesn't work.

Bummer...GVP did some strange things. Custom RAM chips from what I've
heard as well  :(

> Hence, I would need to buy a different accelerator, too, in order to
> make the slots work.  That being the case, I might as well get a
> PPC/0x0 board.  We all know how expensive those are!

Yes, I agree, expensive.

But if you want more than 256 colours then a graphics card it is. 
Ebay as well as marketplace are good. 
I wanted to get some more use out of my machine so the graphics card and a ethernet 
card were the
first two ways to do it. I only run a 030@33MHz but it's enough as the
Amiga is so efficient. I play MP3's o.k. as well.

I put money aside, in a jar in the cubboard would you believe. It
works out at about $4 or $5 per week aka $200-$250 per year and I
usually split it into software and hardware. If i need to (or get
tempted) I top it up, like this year, the two cards cost me $$230 and
I've already spent about $120 on software. Saying that, I am having
fun  :)

> -- 
> |     Michael Rye

All the best...Martin

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