> Hello.
> Any news on the voyager update that Chris Wiles mentioned on the 30th/31st Jan
> on the Netconnect list. He said it would be out in a week...or two ie. 6th to
> 13th Feb.
> That's well overdue now.

Dear oh dear - In fact I said 'a new AmIRC and Flash module...due soon',
which is what I was told by the programmers at the time. Besides, when
coding, you always need to bear in mind that:

1) unexpected problems result in extended delays.

2) the fact that the software hasn't been released...indicates the software
isn't *ready* for release. As soon as it is ready for release, it will be

Unfortunately you just need to be patient, but there will be a release soon
- along with fixes and a few new features (etc).


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