On 23-Feb-00,* Sealey, M.*, of Planet Eros, wrote these Wise Words:
>> Will dithering ever work in Voyager? At the moment it does 
>> not seem to work at all (!)
> It does work. Set your settings to ordered, with single pass
> colour quant. and it goes all dithery.
> If you set it to ordered, two pass, the decoder defaults to
> Floyd-Steinberg dithering anyway, IIRC. The best results
> come from - for me - using f-s, one pass, fast integer
> decoding. Higher quality colour quantization reduces the
> need for dithering images.

I can certainly say, that on my 3000, Voyager cannot show
anything like a reasonable graphic.  I have tried every single
combination... spending a few hours changing one thing at a
time and looking at the results, and NONE of them look even
close to IBrowse 2.1.  I can tell what the colours must be
at least with IBrowse, but with AWeb or Voyager, it is total
ugliness, and seems restricted to 4-8 colours.  With the
colours I have, it is shades of blue and grey.

Don't tell me to try the various settings, cuz I have done
so, and had varying shades of very bad results.  IBrowse 
worked correctly right off the Net.

Yes, I have only a stock 3000 using ECS, but that is what
a lot of people use, and from what I see with IBrowse, it
can be done very easily.  Fact is, neither V or AWeb have
the same graphics power of IB.   Period!

IBrowse seems to ignore the colour settings I have in
my system when it comes to displaying images, and uses
what the image itself seems to say.  The others use what
I have selected via the Pallette Prefs.


         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gil Knutson's Pride and Joy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                [EMAIL PROTECTED] - OS3.5 - Sardis, BC, Canada
       A3000/30/2+16 RAM+245 meg Maxtor+1.06 gig Seagate+ZIP Drive
        MFCardIII+GVC 56k Speakerphone+Lexmark 4039 10R w/16meg
 THOR2.5a, MUI3.8, MWB, Voyager3.xbeta  AmIRC 2.0, AmFTP 1.65 (all reg)
         ~~~~~~~~~~~ The Amiga Shall Inherit the Earth ~~~~~~~~~~~~

How many of you believe in telekinesis?  Raise my hands....

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