On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 08:02:41AM +0000, Don Cox wrote:

> How about satisfying everyone by having a preferences option to set the
> parser for these entities to "IE", "Strict" or "Opera" ?  That would keep
> everybody happy, until next time.

"This site doesn't werk!"
"Did you set the prefs to IE ?"

And I can imagine a lot of others. Unfortunately, the majority of
websites are designed for IE these days and it's rare to have a
website that doesn't work with it (and if it does, be sure the webmaster
will fix it quickly otherwise he loses a significant audience).

You could strictly stick to the "standard" as published by the w3c but
there are a lot of things not properly covered by it and which leave
room for several interpretations. As Olli said, the web would be a better
place if Mosaic throwed a "syntax error" on every bogosity found on
a webpage in those early days.

If you want to check if a webpage is "standard compliant" (if that means
anything), don't use V but http://validator.w3.org/ which was designed
for that.

Examples ? Let's try a random webpage:

Error: an attribute value must be quoted if it contains 
any character other than letters (A-Za-z), digits, hyphens, 
and periods; use quotes if in doubt (explanation...)

Let's ignore attribute values without quotes then. Oops, lot of sites

Error: end tag for "LI" omitted; possible causes include a missing 
end tag, improper nesting of elements, or use of an element where 
it is not allowed 

Oops, disabling that breaks a lot of websites too.

Error: end tag for "P" omitted; possible causes include a missing 
end tag, improper nesting of elements, or use of an element where 
it is not allowed (explanation...)

Disable it ? Bad idea..

And so on.. Tried writing a page by hand ? If you follow all the rules
of the validator you end up spending quite some time closing tags no
browser cares about (because it's unecessary to care about them, at
a programming point of view and at a practical point of view).

So I'm not convinced that adding options to be stript, emulate browser
A, emulate browser B, etc.. would be a good idea. Better try to display
and handle properly as much web pages as possible which is, after all,
what people expect a browser to do.
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