On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 01:18:08 +0000, Jools Smyth wrote:

> oh. and i use p96, since i cannot stand cgx slow pulldown menu drawing

Use MorphOS and MagicMenuPPC with transparent menus :)

> (p96 seems to accerlerate more things) . although its not good for delitracker 

P96 uses tons of "tricks" to speed up things (*). It will put all the
bitmaps it can into VMEM (making old apps look fast but giving problems with
others, like DeliTracker scopes in your case). It will also use SetTackPri()
to applications a lot, making gfx rendering look snapier but messing up
Executive and possibly dropping network connection flows temporarily.

*: They probably used all those tricks to "beat" CGX in benchmarks. They did
a bit too much IMHO.

David Gerber
VaporWare programmer
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