On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 06:22:22PM +0200, Dietmar Knoll wrote:

> > Well, believe it or not but the majority of the web sites around are
> > designed to work with "Win-crap" browsers.

> Designing a webpage for a certain browser is the wrong way to start.

Tell that to 99% of the web"masters" in the world.

> > HTML is all but well designed.

> Where?

On a lot of places. Try to find out what happens if you specify a table
WIDTH="200%" for example.

> If you have suggestions hand them over to the w3c for inclusion in the
> specs.

It's too late. Browsers already defined the standard themselves (aka
MSIE defined the standard) and websites all over the world already
started using them.

> > Strictly following the w3c HTML specs doesn't work because they leave
> > room for different interpretations.

> Where?

See above. There are others, like the <IMG><IMG> vs <IMG>&nbsp;<IMG>.
Where it's unsure if the first one must be vertically layouted.
I think it shouldn't but MSIE does, so websites do expect it.

> And what is wrong with room for interpretation?

It gives different result for the layout of the page depending on
what browser you use.

> Take this room (layout) and let the client user do their
> interpretation.

Then the user complains because the site looks weird or is unuseable.

David Gerber
VaporWare programmer
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