
This has become more of a "what HAD happened" message.  More explination at
the bottom.

I started to load Voyager today.

I wait for the "Time is up" message, but it doesn't come, the loading bar
has stopped way short of where it usually gets to before asking.


So I flip back to the workbench screen.

"An error occured!
Couldn't open the image decoders.
Please check that you have PROGDIR:Plugines/vimgdec_<cpu>.vlib
installed properly!"

I haven't altered anything since the last time I ran voyager!

What's happened?

11 Voyager:plugins> ll
-----rwxd 02-04-02 19:10:31   18     8516 Search.VPlug
-----rwxd 00-04-10 18:50:45   46    22540 VFlash.VPlug
-----rw-d 00-04-10 18:50:47  376   188984 VFlash_68040fpu.module
-----rwxd 00-04-10 18:50:50  708   356876 VFlash_ppc.module
-----rwxd 01-06-09 21:07:08  269   135484 vimgdec_68020.vlib
-----rwxd 01-06-09 21:07:13  257   129440 vimgdec_68030fpu.vlib
-----rwxd 02-04-02 19:10:53  250   125884 vimgdec_68040fpu.vlib
-----rwxd 01-06-09 21:07:10  257   129388 vimgdec_68060.vlib
-----rwxd 02-04-02 19:10:32   63    31432 voyager_about.vlib
-----rwxd 02-04-02 19:10:58  581   293192 voyager_ssl.vlib
-----rwxd 00-04-06 20:08:22  124    62200 Vpdf.VPlug
-----rwxd 04-03-06 08:41:14    1      Dir data
Dirs: 1    Files: 11    Blocks: 2952  Bytes: 1483936 
11 Voyager:plugins> ll  

My machine is a PPC/040 and as far as I know, this is what has always been
in the directory since day dot.

Well, I clicked on the notification and it went away -- as did voyager I

Loaded voyager again, and this time it loaded.


Oh well.

Sorry, but if anyone else gets it, it seems to be a hickup.

Liberals: Building a Masochistic America.

Andrew Bruno

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