On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 11:56:03 +0100 Franco Coccini scribed:
> mhh . . . i know a lot of programmers, that are supporting both.
> To be 100% honest, thare are MORE "RED" programmers that are supporting both
> side, than otherwise. . . and this is sad IMHO

I think you are missing the big picture, Franco.  Zapek (you know, the Voyager guy), 
is not a
programmer supporting MorphOS.  No, Zapek is a CORE MORPHOS DEVELOPER.  This differs 
from a "BLUE" programmer, as Zapek isn't just some guy writing an app for MorphOS.  
Asking Mr.
Gerber (Zapek) to support an OS4 version of Voyager is exactly like asking one of the 
Friedens to
port their version of Quake-II (or some other game) to MorphOS.

I hope this clears things up for you, because there has been some apparant 
misunderstanding about
who does what, and how it affects some of the different applications.



Dave 'Targhan' Crawford

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