I had tried below commands and it resulted in a seg-fault:

classify table mask l3 ip4 src  proto   l4 src_port dst_port
classify session table-index 0 hit-next 10 match l3 ip4 src  
opaque-index 5
classify session table-index 0 hit-next 10  opaque-index 5 del

last command with 'del' option resulted in a seg-fault:
DBGvpp# classify session table-index 0 hit-next 10  opaque-index 5 del          
Thread 1 "vpp_main" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff6edcb90 in _mm_loadu_si128 (__P=0x10)
 No such file or directory.

My intention is to delete a session using a Opaque-index only, So is it not 
possible to delete a session without providing 'match' attributes?

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