The discussion about feature arcs is a red herring with respect to the buffer 
enqueue dance. It's about node A enqueueing to its successor nodes B, C, D, 
etc. It's the same whether or not A (and friends) are part of a feature arc. 
The feature arc code manages the set of successor nodes, and has 
little-to-nothing to do with vector element enqueue mechanics.

The 1x/2x speculative enqueue scheme makes the observation that with high 
probability packets i and i+1 (and i+2 in the _x2 case) will be enqueued to the 
same successor node. Notice the PREDICT_FALSE in the macro. Next_index is the 
current arc index. In the PREDICT_FALSE case, the current packet isn't to 
follow the same arc that the last vector element followed. 

In that case, the macro unwinds the speculative enqueue done near the top of 
the loop, sends the packet along the correct arc, and changes the current arc 
index; next_index. 

HTH... Dave 

From: <> On Behalf Of Nitin Saxena
Sent: Friday, February 8, 2019 6:36 AM
To: Gudimetla, Leela Sankar <>;
Subject: Re: [vpp-dev] Understanding vlib_buffer_enqueue()

If yes, why the frame needs to traverse two directions?    Should it not 
traverse only feature-arc?
The flow is in one direction only.  

Every node has speculated "next_index" node. If the speculated "next_index" 
node is not same as actual "next0" node  (which is typically retrieved by 
either parsing data or vlib buffer). So if speculated "next_index" node is not 
same as actual "next0" node, release/put the frame of "next_index" node and get 
the frame corresponding to "next0" node. Also make "next0" as "next_index" node 
(considering further packets will come corresponding to this "next_index" 

From: <> on behalf of 
Gudimetla, Leela Sankar <>
Sent: Friday, February 8, 2019 9:23 AM
Subject: [vpp-dev] Understanding vlib_buffer_enqueue() 
External Email
I am trying to understand a piece of code that enqueues a frame to next-node. 
But when a frame is traversing feature-nodes, I see the following boiler-plate 
code that seems to be sending the frames to two nodes at the same time.
Is my understanding correct?
218 #define 
219 do {                          \
220   if (PREDICT_FALSE (next0 != next_index))            \
221     {                         \
222       vlib_put_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, n_left_to_next + 1);   \
223       next_index = next0;                 \
224       vlib_get_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, to_next, n_left_to_next); \
225                            \
226       to_next[0] = bi0;                   \
227       to_next += 1;                    \
228       n_left_to_next -= 1;                \
229     }                         \
230 } while (0)
If yes, why the frame needs to traverse two directions?    Should it not 
traverse only feature-arc?
Any pointers in understanding would really help.
Leela sankar
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