On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 8:45 PM Neale Ranns (nranns) <nra...@cisco.com> wrote:
> I think your analysis is spot on. Thank you!
> How you're a VPP PPPoE expert __ do you have some suggestions on a fix?

Thanks for taking a look at this Neale!

I have some ideas for a fix to this problem.

Alternative 1.

During the packet processing time, get the session information by
using the adj->rewrite_header.sw_if_index . With this approach
fixup_data need not be passed.

+  pppoe_main_t *pem = &pppoe_main;
+  u32 sw_if_index = adj->rewrite_header.sw_if_index;
+  u32 session_id = pem->session_index_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index];
+  t = pool_elt_at_index (pem->sessions, session_id);

Pros : Without any functin prototype change we can arrive at the solution.
Cons : While processing every pppoe packet, we have to get the session data.

Alternative 2.

pppoe build rewrite is done based on rewrite
data(adj->rewrite_header). Here we have a
sw_if_index(adj->rewrite_header.sw_if_index). How is this is different
from the session's encap_if_index? I tried to understand this from
code, but couldn't figure out, if both are the same.

If both are same:
 Fix would be : At the time processing pppoe packet, just use the

Alternative 3.

As Neale suggested, just push the session's encap_if_index, instead of
passing the const void *.

But this requires some architectural changes, I believe. Because const
void *fixup_data is depended on the function pointer
'adj->sub_type.midchain.fixup_func'. This can bind only during the run

I have one question regarding pool memory creation:

On each pppoe session addition VPP is resizing the vector pool
pem->sessions. Is it ok if I allocate a fixed number of session
I am trying to understand the architectural rational behind adding one
element to the vector pool at a time, as opposed to allocating a bulk
number initially.
If it is ok to allocate a large pool initially (preferably taking the
max_sessions from a conf file), we can side step this issue.

Thanks and Regards,

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