Hi Nick,

I agree the current bypass node for various tunnel types, including geneve, 
gtpu, vxlan, and vxlan_gbp all have this issue in its hash lookup using only 
incoming packet DIP without checking VRF.  It is generally not an issue if 
bypass feature is enabled on all interfaces which are on the same VRF/IP-table 
corresponding to the same underlay network.  If another underlay VRF is setup 
on other interfaces with bypass enabled, the bypass error as you described will 

I have no objection if you like to submit a patch to fix this limitation.  I 
hope you are willing to fix bypass node not just for gtpu but all 4 tunnel 
types.  The code for all 4 bypass nodes are very similar except  tunnel type 
check, validation, and node names, etc.


From: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io <vpp-dev@lists.fd.io> On Behalf Of Nick Zavaritsky
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2020 12:23 PM
To: vpp-dev@lists.fd.io
Subject: [vpp-dev] VRF-aware bypass nodes


There are multiple kinds of bypass nodes in vpp. Bypass nodes intercept packets 
matching certain criteria and pass them directly to the protocol handler node. 
I am going to use GTPU as the illustrating example.

Bypass node SHOULD intercept packets with destination IP matching a local 
address and UDP destination port equal to 2152.

Bypass node MUST NOT intercept a packet if destination IP doesn’t match a local 
address. Otherwise enabling GTPU bypass would change the observable system 

An address is local within a certain VRF. It’s possible that an address is 
local in one VRF but it’s not in another. But GTPU bypass node is not VRF aware.

Image a vpp setup with 2 interfaces, associated with different VRF-s. The first 
interface address is, the other one — Both have GTPU 
bypass enabled. Now GTPU bypass in the second interface will intercept packets 
sent to (the first interface’s address), though it shouldn’t.

This is a somewhat contrived example, but it looks like bypass node should be 
VRF-aware for correctness.

Am I missing something?

Would you be open to a patch making GTPU bypass VRF-aware?

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