>>A very cute trick (assuming minimal
>> download time needed) for switching to another world without loss of
>> continuity -- people are used to jump cuts in movies, so they
>> (presumably) don't notice the discontinuity.

Out of body experience. I like this, and it could be used a lot of
different ways.

>If you didn't mind the nasty files you'd need, things like
>cross-disolves, shatters, and other DVE effects should be possible.

As a kid I always wondered what it would be like to be the Flash (that
comic book superhero in the red tights who could run _really_ fast). All I
have to do in VRML is change the cycleInterval(s). 

Ever wonder what some character is thinking who isn't part of the
conversation/action? A Sound node via a well placed TouchSensor on the
character's noggin = mental telepathy.

I am working on one right now that moving from one world/scene to another
involves (literally) turning the pages of a book. You then walk 'onto' the
open page and enter the action in that page's scene.

John(?) said that our first attempts might be doomed to failure, and I
agree. We will have to experiment and build on each other's work. Also the
audience will have to get some idea that these new things are possible. The
first jump cut in film probably didn't go over that well.

We'll be borrowing lots of effects from the existing media. And bending a
lot of them to fit with realtime interactive. This is fun.



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