[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Allen D. Parker II") writes:

> I'm no programmer, but I do believe, it would be pretty nice if the
> "owner" of a context (fake "root" user) could halt/reboot *their*
> vserver via /sbin/init, /sbin/reboot or /sbin/halt. It'd be nice to
> have a way to pass messages *securely* back to something on the
> outside

Developed for another project, vserver-djinni[1] is doing this. Basic
ideas are described here[2] but in final implementation some details
were changed and some restrictions lowered.

> that would do a context id check (ie where's it coming from and what's
> it trying to apply those changes to) and then if everything checks out,
> does the vserver <context-id-resolves-to-this-name> start/stop/restart.

How will you do this resolving for vserver-in-a-vserver?


[1]  http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~ensc/fedora.us-build/
     C89/gcc-2.95 ports are not planned; you will need gcc-3.3 and alpha
[2]  http://www.fedora.us/pipermail/fedora-devel/2003-September/002097.html

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