[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Roderick A. Anderson") writes:

>> What I came to realise was that vserver-stat only shows the virtual
>> servers if a service is running.
>> # vserver-stat
>>   (see nothing but main)
>> # vserver foo enter
>> foo# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
>> # vserver-stat
>>   (should now list main and foo)
> Cool.  Doesn't report idling vservers.

There does not exist something like an 'idling vserver'. The vserver
above is just dead and there does not exist a way to detect this earlier
at 'vserver ... start' time (think of a 'sleep 100' as the init-process).

The 'vserver ... enter' & start-a-process trick is just a hack which
does not work in the alpha-branch anymore.

> Well maybe not cool as vserver-stat is called by my root VServer login
> so show me quickly what is happening.  This may be on Enrico's bug
> list.

Perhaps, 'vserver-stat' should be renamed to 'context-stat' -- it reports
only the existing contexts on the systems. Even contexts which are not
associated with a vserver.

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