For all those, who are interested.

I've taken some time and made all guest images available, that I'm
currently using. They've been updated one by one during the last days,
so they are quite recent versions of the distibutions.

Images available are Debian Woody, Debian Sarge, Fedora Core 2, Mandrake
9.2, Redhat 9, Slackware 10, SuSE 9.2

All images are currently being run on a Debian 2.4 based host. Slackware
requires util-vserver (Jack's vserver tools can't start Slackware

The images can be found at

The guest image itself is usually a very bare installation image that
brings the basics + sshd up and running.

Just unpacking the image is not enough, because the images should be
easy to update, i've split them into the image, a diff with changes to
rc files etc. and a deployment script, that takes care of modifications,
creating on an admin user and setting password for root and admin. None
of the images allow root to log in via ssh.

It's enough to download the script and configure it.
If an image isn't locally available, it'll be fetched of the server
automatically (including diff).

Feel free to come with suggestions, etc., but due to a very tight
schedule (and lack of time) these images will be maintained mostly as
they fit for my usage.

Slán leat,
Martin List-Petersen
Dublin, Eire 
(contact info on -->

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