On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Bjoern Steinbrink wrote:

> chcon is a tool to change the security context of a file, which is part
> of the SELinux stuff, about which I know absolutely nothing ;)
> So it's not linux-vserver related (i believe).

It appears to be an issue with creating a Vserver from a distribution 
CDROM.  I'll do some more checking.  I've semi-resolved this issue but it 
might have spawned another that has me going around in circles.

The short question is : has anyone got PostgreSQL 8.0.1 running in a
2.6.10-vs1.9.4 vserver?

The results I'm getting while trying to start postgresql are inconsistent
so I need some more tests to see if there is a discernible pattern.

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     "Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL"

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