On Wed, 4 May 2005, Herbert Poetzl wrote:

On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 06:24:11PM +0200, Arjen wrote:
On 3/5/05 10:55 am, "Werner Schalk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My system is Gentoo, and I am still using util-vserver X on
2.6.11-rc3-vs1.9.4. My USE flags do include "vserver" and portage overlay is
set to /usr/local/portage (both inside the vserver). When I execute mc inside
the vserver I also get "mc subshell.c: couldn't open master side of pty
pty_open_master: No such file or directory"

Sounds familiar. I've tried several gentoo vserver installs, with the portage overlay, without it (normal install) and using baselayout-vserver as the baselayout. None of them would start flawless, you'll have to edit around 7 or 8 initscripts (add the 'exit 0' on top of the script) or remove them from the startupsequence using rc-update (rc-update del checkfs boot).

This might give you a clean startup but I think this is not the right thing
to do. Why, well because we could break things this way. Like you I'm
experiencing issues with tty's. I've got similar problems using screen and
ssh. Ever tried to ssh from one vserver to another vserver? Or started a
screen session inside a vserver? I think the problem has something to do

hmm, did you verify that your user is in the 'tty' group?

Ok, i've got things working, ssh by adding it to the tty group and screen by making it sgid. But, again, i don't think this is the real solution, in my host a normal user doesn't need to be in the tty group to be able to ssh, or screen doesn't need the sgid bit set to work in the host.

with /dev/tty*,
crw-rw----  1 root tty 5, 0 Mar  4 14:39 /dev/tty  (inside the vserver)
Compare it with /dev/tty in the host,
crw-rw-rw-  1 root tty 5, 0 May  1 22:32 /dev/tty  (in the host)

Btw, when i extract the stages tarballs (i tried a stage2 & stage3) the rights are as in the vserver. I don't know why (and how) it is different when compared to the host.

It could be I'm missing something at startup which changes these settings
because of the 'exit 0''s in some of the initscripts. I stopped trying to
solve this, but since you seem to have a similar problem maybe someone has a
bright moment reading this :)

well, both, ssh _and_ screen work here .. which doesn't mean much as the version I tested on is 2.4/1.2.10 ...

I'm running Gentoo, on an amd64, util-vserver-0.30.204.

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