[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harald Kapper) writes:

>>It was really trivial (<5 min) to take the 207 and make 208 debs.  I've
>>posted my source packages at http://www.complete.org/~jgoerzen/vs/ for
>>anyone that wants them.
>>They include fix1.
> thanks for the dsc - one odd thing came up through building -
> it claimed (though installed) that beecrypt couldn't be found

Seems to be a bug in the Debian beecrypt library. Somehow, functions
which can be optimized were not built for i386. E.g. the seen error
(beecrypt not detected) is caused by things like

| /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.2/../../../../lib/libbeecrypt.so: undefined 
reference to `mppndiv'

Indeed, [1] does not define it but non-i386 archs (e.g. [2]) or
non-Debian libraries contain this function:

| $ nm -D usr/lib/libbeecrypt.so.6.4.0 | grep mppndiv
|          U mppndiv
| $ file usr/lib/libbeecrypt.so.6.4.0 
| usr/lib/libbeecrypt.so.6.4.0: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, 
version 1 (SYSV), stripped

| $ nm -D usr/lib/libbeecrypt.so.6.4.0 | grep mppndiv
| 000124a4 T mppndiv
| $ file usr/lib/libbeecrypt.so.6.4.0 
| usr/lib/libbeecrypt.so.6.4.0: ELF 32-bit MSB shared object, PowerPC or cisco 
4500, version 1 (SYSV), stripped

Somebody should report it at the Debian bugtracking system.



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