Dariush Pietrzak,,, wrote:

postings, IRC logs and poorly styled/"incomplete" web pages (the flower
page being one example) is not the way to have it in the long run.
flower page rocks.

Well, thats a matter of opinion... For the "average user" I would think the view would be
different... :)

Everyone and their brother creating their own forum is not the answer, there
already is a vserver wiki, if you want to work on documentation - go update

Problem with the wiki is that there is no forum there. If one could incorporate some kind of forum there, it would be nice --- like e.g. the forum.gentoo.org, which I find extremely valueable.

And btw, not _anyone_ has the required knowledge about vserver to write good documentation on the wiki anyway. Nothing is worse than wrong and outdated documentation...

Tor Rune Skoglund

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