Hi all.  As you might have seen, I am totally a newbie here.  I would like to say something here though.

I for once found it rather confusing to find the infor needed to get going with vservers.  Without the help of many others here I could not get much done.

However, I really welcome the idea of a Vserver forum because the benefits of sticky topics and distinct categories.    Sticky topics would just pop right out of the pages when a user access a category.   I also like the search features of all the forums that I have visited because I just simply do a search and all the related answers would come. 

Btw, not everybody knows how to use IRC and is on IRC.  Not everybody would like to receive tons of emails everyday.   Forum is just more user friendly and more accessible to newbies like me. And not everybody lives in the same time zone with me.

Please don't feel offended by my comments because the mailing list is great and the responses are plenty but would it be good if we could spare those experts from answering the same questions again and again?  Would it be better that newbies could use the forums to learn as much as possible before he would voice his questions?
Would it be better if newbies could search the forums to find the answers quick while the experts are sound sleeping in other countries?

I think a forum is just a win-win move for Vserver community as a whole.

Best regards,
Vserver mailing list

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