On Fri, 2005-10-21 at 15:40 -0400, Chuck wrote:
> > > so then just for clarity, using the current vserver software
> > > (2.1.0-r4) with up to 16 ip addys does not give any performance hits
> > > at all compared to 1 but beyond that is when it gets nasty.
> > no, that is a linear search, so every new ip address
> > will actually add overhead on every socket bind and/or
> > ip related operation inside the guest ...
> ok.. so how may ips in a guest do you estimate could be used before a 
> perceptable change in performance happens?  and by this are we talking about 
> per interface or gross totals among all interfaces?

That really is a hard question to answer, and a research topic.  "Suck
it and see", or build yourself a test system so you can definitively
answer the question.

It's quite possible that on today's typically CPU-heavy systems it might
not be a perceivable bottleneck at all until you start getting to the
kind of connection levels where NAT starts not being able to track
connections any more.  If you can measure any performance difference as
the number of IPs in a vserver goes up at all I'd be highly impressed.


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