I've gotten reasonably comfortable with manual instantiation
of vserver guests, and would like to start manipulating them
by scripts.

A few questions for my basic understanding:

1) if I vserver vXY stop, can I package the static directory
   with tar and copy it somewhere/rsync it someplace else,
   will the entire state will be saved? Including e.g. PostgreSQL
   dbases, or will I have to make a dump and reimport afterwards?
   Which files context is still missing (which directories would
   I also have to rsync?)

2) Are there any demo scripts which instantiate a fully-formed/preconfigured
   e.g. Debian host with a given IP address? Add users or packages
   after the fact (or is it easier to execute scripts as root in 
   a running guest?) Pointers to list archive are very fine.

3) Are there any existing scripts to migrate a running guest
   to a different server? A simple way would be to do a variation
   of question 1). Can I make vserver guests live on a NFS partition?
   Lustre? PVFS? Is there a way of keeping two running guest
   instances synchronous, save of a HA/drbd based setup? (I have
   some very basic understanding of it, just enough for a HA NFS system).
   I realize some snapshot/migration functionality for clusters
   is being worked on -- how far is this removed from production? 

4) Is there a simple way to limit host file system size to
   a fixed limit, e.g. multiple of 1 GByte?

I would like to start working with an amd64-debian based machine
(only 4 GBytes, though -- should I then just stick with vanilla 32 bit
Debian, or does this result in a noticeable performance hit on
146 Opterons?), so if anyone has a working vserver-patched amd64 kernel
package I would very much like a copy (Markus, are you there?).

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820            http://www.ativel.com
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