Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
Roderick A. Anderson wrote:

Is there an issue with "vserver.strahlungsfrei.de". I keep getting timeouts and can't get the wiki to show up.

While waiting on this; does anyone have some documentation handy on using vhashify and how it works? I've got my first 5 vserver guests created and want(/need?) to do this as most of them will be very similar.

http://linux-vserver.org/alpha+util-vserver has a section on it.

Thanks Daniel.

I'm looking at it right now and trying a vhashify on one of my _less_ strategic guests. Ie. it can be replaced. :-)

I thought I had all the pieces in place but got these three errors:

error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - No such file or directory (2)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
Duplicate hash-dir entry '0' found

The first might be the RPM move from Berkley db version 3 to version 4 and so version 3 doesn't get installed. A quick check with rpm shows only db4. Bug in vhashify or in some RPM libraries is is using?

The second is strange ( unless it is related to the first. ) There are RPM databases in /var/lib/rpm .

The last I can figure out as somehow both a '0' and '00' got created in the '/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/vunify/hash/' directory. I did the 0 and the 00 got ( by date stamp ) created last week when I was building a 'new' guest. So the error is probably coming from the vhashify binary having trouble by treating the '0' and '00' as numeric instead of as alphanumeric.

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