On Thursday, 07. September. 2006 18:41, you wrote:
> Hi Christian
> > Nope there is no categorization or rating in the svn-repo. I also
> > wouldn't use the _rc's on a stable machine, since from time to time
> > there's some bugs in them that need to be fixed.
> So - what do you suggest for using 2.1 on gentoo?
> I run the 2.1 for over a year now without problems and dont want to go
> back to 2.0 but want to update the kernel...

It _really_ depends on your mood. If you say you've run it for over a year on 
a production server, go for it :). What I tried to say, is that I wouldn't 
risk it on my production servers to run 2.1whatever. I can't make that 
decision for you, since you're the sysadmin.

You're right that 2.1 has been pretty stable for the last half year, but it 
also had its rougher times (as in ooops'ing on vserver startup). That's one 
thing I can't risk.

TIA, Christian

Christian Heim <phreak at gentoo.org>
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