On Wednesday 06 December 2006 17:24, John Alberts wrote:
> I'm running vserver on Gentoo (host and guest) and I'm following this
> guide (http://gentoo-wiki.com/QmailRocksOnGentoo) for installing the
> whole Qmail Rocks set of packages.
> Everything seems to be working great except I can't get
> qmail-queue-scanner to detect spamassassin running.
> The way the build process works for qmail-queue-scanner, is it tries
> to detect what is installed and running and then customizes the perl
> script to use the detected services.  I think the script is trying to
> detect if it's running by using localhost, so it keeps saying that
> spamassassin isn't running, even though it clearly is running.

the configure script can be edited and the hardcoded changed to the 
primary ip of the guest if it is really doing that. the only one i know of so 
far that hard codes that in configure is nagios.
> I guess my question is; Has anyone else been able to get
> qmail-queue-scanner installed and working properly with spamassassin
> on a vserver?

we have qmail with qmail-scanner, spamassassin (spamd/spamc), clamd, spf 
plugin, and grey listing plugin running in a verver since Nov of 05 with no 
problem at all. it just works. however we have a more simple system than most 
in that it is restricted to contact only our primary smtp server and it is 
only an smtp server with absolutely no relay priv. at all, there are no 
mailboxes on that ... it runs as our secondary mx only.

i dont trust the auto intsalls of qmail scanner so i always go over the .pl 
file manually and correct things here and there to match how we like things 
to be.

i also do not update that vserver very much at all except for severe security 
issues if i ever hear of them .. if it works dont fix it is what i do with 
that one :)

> I installed this same thing on a non-vserver system about 2 years ago
> and I didn't have this problem.

i cannot vouch for the accuracy of this statement, but i have heard that the 
options/install/configure process has changed since '05 which may be the 
problem now.

> So far, to troubleshoot, I have added the 'Remap Source IP Address'
> kernel option and rebooted.  I've tried localhost and
> myguestip localhost in the /etc/hosts file.
> My last attempt was to follow the wiki suggestion of adding a lo
> adapter.  I can now ping in the guest, but no change in the
> scanner program.

personally i would let it install regardless of what it found, then edit 
the .pl file and be done with it :)

> Of course, I've already done the usual thing of looking for all
> instances of localhost or and replacing it with myguestip.
> -John
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"...and the hordes of M$*ft users descended upon me in their anger,
and asked 'Why do you not get the viruses or the BlueScreensOfDeath
or insecure system troubles and slowness or pay through the nose 
for an OS as *we* do?!!', and I answered...'I use Linux'. "
The Book of John, chapter 1, page 1, and end of book

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