On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 06:54:26PM -0700, Albert Mak (almak) wrote:
> Hi,
> I have Linux ( Kernel) with Vserver 2.0.1 and testing the CPU
> limit capabilities. I have 2 vserver contexts both running CPU intensive
> app capable of using up 100% CPU, I am setting up on vserver to limit 1
> context to 10% CPU  and the 2nd to 80% CPU, both using flags sched_prio.
> I am seeing CPU usage split 50/50 between the 2 contexts. I repeated the
> same test using sched_hard with the same result (kernel VSERVER_HARDCPU
> config set to y). I am expecting to see at least the CPU usage close to
> the Vserver limits.
> Have I got the wrong settings or some other issues. Your help is really
> appreciated.
> -Albert
> top - 18:37:04 up 26 min,  1 user,  load average: 2.04, 1.40, 0.62
> Tasks: 127 total,   3 running, 124 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
> Cpu(s): 98.7% us,  1.3% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,
> 0.0% si
> Mem:    513084k total,   115660k used,   397424k free,    10200k buffers
> Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,    39332k cached
>  6616 root      20   0  1332  228  184 R 49.8  0.0   2:23.12
> exceed_cpu_limi
>  6513 root      20   0  1336  232  184 R 48.1  0.0   2:43.79
> exceed_cpu_limi
> -bash-2.05b# vps
>   PID CONTEXT             TTY          TIME CMD
>  3672     0 MAIN          pts/0    00:00:00 bash
>  6513     2 APP1          pts/0    00:03:01 exceed_cpu_limi
>  6616     3 APP2          pts/0    00:02:40 exceed_cpu_limi
>  7655     1 ALL_PROC      pts/0    00:00:00 vps
>  7656     1 ALL_PROC      pts/0    00:00:00 ps
> -bash-2.05b# pwd
> /etc/vservers/APP1
> -bash-2.05b# cat flags
> sched_prio

you want to add sched_hard here if you want hard
scheduling, the prio scheduler will only adjust
priorities according to the token buckets ...

I'd also suggest to use a more recent kernel
(and probably Linux-VServer patch) than this one
as the scheduler was enhanced quite a lot in 2.2.x

> -bash-2.05b# cat schedule
> 80
> 100
> 200
> 50
> 140
> dummy
> -bash-2.05b# pwd
> /etc/vservers/APP2
> -bash-2.05b# cat flags
> sched_prio
> -bash-2.05b# cat schedule
> 10
> 100
> 200
> 50
> 140
> dummy
> -bash-2.05b# cat /proc/virtual/2/sched
> Token:               140
> FillRate:              1
> Interval:            100
> TokensMin:            50
> TokensMax:           140
> PrioBias:              0
> VaVaVoom:             -5
> cpu 0: 229674 71 0
> -bash-2.05b# cat /proc/virtual/3/sched
> Token:               140
> FillRate:             10
> Interval:            100
> TokensMin:            50
> TokensMax:           140
> PrioBias:              0
> VaVaVoom:             -5
> cpu 0: 217275 54 0

looks like none of the token buckets is active
here, what does the /proc/virtual/2/status show?


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