On Sun, 2007-03-25 at 15:55 +0200, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
> Matt Paine wrote:
> > Has anyone got kernel RPM's with the linux vserver patches installed
> > (vanilla or otherwise) that are build for CentOS4.4? I know Daniel has
> > the fedora kernels, and I've been scouring his rpm repository to find
> > the centos ones with no luck (plenty of util-vserver rpms, but no
> > kernels). I had the thought that the vserver stuff might already be in
> > the kernel (long shot i know, but anythings possible) so I downloaded
> > the util-vserver rpms and tried them, to no avail of course :)
> The problem with the CentOS kernel is that it's really old and it would
> require major surgery in order to get any sort of recent Linux-VServer
> version on there. I've been playing with the idea of providing more
> recent, vanilla kernel RPMs too, but nothing has come out of that yet,
> mostly because the userspace matches the old kernel. So in order to get a
> recent kernel working nicely, you'd probably need to update at least udev
> and mkinitrd.

If you take these from FC6, you need several more just because of the
dependencies of the FC6-RPMS. But I didn't try it (read: rebuilding them
and `rpm -i --nodeps` them) since I can't risk it ATM.

Another option/possibility could be to use CentOS-5 with a (very
probably heavily patched) 2.6.18 kernel which is now in beta since RHEL5
has been annouced last week or so. So at least the user-space should be
much more recent.

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