Hi Gislain,

On 23.04.2007, at 09:27, ADNET Ghislain wrote:
I run vserver to isolate webserver from the real host. From time to time i have a process than run wild and block everything. I cannot even connect (ssh) to the Host. Which would be the more efficient way to configure the system so that vservers cannot prevent the host to work even if they are at max disk/network/cpu usage.

The host itself does only run ssh and some monitoring tool. So it stay idle most of the time.

The goal is to allways be able to connect to the host and manage things from here to recover from issues. What "best practice" do you use with vservers to acheive this goal ?

You'll have to configure resource limits - see the following wiki pages for details:
 - http://linux-vserver.org/Resource_Limits
 - http://linux-vserver.org/Memory_Limits

However, there's one thing I wasn't able to cure using these: when guest and host use the same HDD, the host can become horribly slow when a guest does serious IO (I had that problem on a machine with a single PATA drive). This did'nt prevent a login, though, the only thing was everything was painfully slow when the machine was 99% waiting for IO.


((( Baltasar Cevc

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