I have upgraded a host and transferred its services into a guest; both
run CentOS 5. Two other (Fedora Core 4) guests remain unchanged. Since
the change, NFS mounting fails to work in any of the guests. The new one
uses ccapabilities with SECURE_MOUNT, SECURE_REMOUNT and BINARY_MOUNT,
while the other two use CAP_SYS_ADMIN. I am using with
util-vserver 0.30.213.

I have discovered, though, that NFS mounting works in the guests if the
host runs as an NFS server (with no exports).

What could be responsible for this abnormal behaviour? I can't think of
anything I have done differently this time.


# ./testme.sh
Linux-VServer Test [V0.17] Copyright (C) 2003-2006 H.Poetzl
chcontext is working.
chbind is working.
Linux #1 SMP Sat May 12 11:39:29 BST 2007 i686
Ea 0.30.213 273/glibc (DSa) <v13,net,v21>
VCI: 0002:0200 273 030007b1 (TbsPHIW)
[000]# succeeded.
[001]# succeeded.
[011]# succeeded.
[031]# succeeded.
[101]# succeeded.
[102]# succeeded.
[201]# succeeded.
[202]# succeeded.

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